Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yummy Cake Pops

So I've tried cake pops know the ones that are made by crumbling a whole cake and mixing the crumbs with a ton of frosting so you can form balls.  I've never liked them, way too sweet for me!  Well I found a cake pop maker recently that would allow me to make cake pops without the frosting!  It looks like a waffle maker, but it forms perfect little round cake balls.  They were really easy to make, just a little time consuming!  Okay, VERY time consuming!  For these cake pops, I just used a boxed chocolate cake mix.  I got about 72 cake pops from one box.  I coated these with dark chocolate and sprinkles, almonds and almonds with coconut.  A really fun project to do with the kids!  (forgive my lack of photography skills!)

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